Tannery Park

Tannery Park covers an area of approx. 100 ha, around the Tannery Lake from Constanţa, being one of the most beautiful parks from Dobrudja and among the largest in the country. Tannery Lake is located
Tannery Park covers an area of approx. 100 ha, around the Tannery Lake from Constanţa, being one of the most beautiful parks from Dobrudja and among the largest in the country. Tannery Lake is located north to Constanţa municipality and forms a lake complex together with Siutghiol lake. Tannery Lake occupies an area of approximately 99 ha.
Its shores are fully rectified and strengthened. The west bank climbs up to 6-7 m, to the east and to the south the quotas being lower than 2-4 m. In its northern side, the bank is very lowered (1-2 m).
Relatively isolated from natural sources, Tannery lake has a depth varying between 1.5 m and 4.4 m, being dependent on the water intake from Siutghiol Lake. The water excess is discharged from Tannery lake into the sea through a dam located in “Fishery” point.
The park includes three inland lakes, on which banks grows rich vegetation, covering a large part of the park. Lakes include islands, peninsulas and isthmuses which give the area a romantic appearance. A special charm is given by the multitude of bridges and culverts that facilitate the access over water areas.
Park vegetation consists of various species of trees, specific to lake areas: willows, poplars, pond cypresses, red oak, but also of chestnuts, birches, beeches and magnolias. The lovely flowers from inside the 4 ha of the permanent exhibition “Expoflora” complement the many flowers that form the spontaneous flora of the area. “Expoflora” includes thousands of plants from the most various species. Here are exhibited veritable collections of plants such as tulips, the exhibition including over 60 varieties of tulips.
During summer, one can make the tour of the park by little train. The small wooden church, “St. Mina”, is reflected into the shiny surface of the water and gives a special charm to the park. The church has an impressive height, the tower measures 43 meters and is visible from many areas of the city. For this reason, the "Santa Mina" Church of Constanța occupies a deserved place in the tallest wooden church in the country.