Cosvitec offers tangible formal/non-formal educational and job opportunities to young people in search of qualification and specialization, through innovative courses that enable them to enter successfully the labor market.
The close collaboration with enterprises operating in many different sectors (agri-food, materials engineering, logistics, entrepreneurship, innovation, tourism etc.) allows Cosvitec to provide masters and training curricula, strongly anchored to the market requirements.

Our goal is to meet young and adult needs of qualified educational planning and ongoing assistance throughout the training process and then through placement actions. Cosvitec is certified as Intermediary Job Agency and we are strongly involved in Youth Guarantee Programme. The different training activities together with the different intervention’s contexts make Cosvitec a specialist in training provision, able to implement the most innovative methodologies, according to the constantly evolving market needs.

Cosvitec Project Managers and Training Staff have 20 years’ experience in project planning and implementation activities, such as:
- needs and context analysis,
- international projects writing and implementation,
- international projects writing and their implementation,
- innovative curricula design and development,
- internship, job shadowing and mobility programs,
- novel training methodologies implementation,
- participants’ selections and preparation,
- monitoring, evaluation, teachers and learners’ assessment,
- follow-up, dissemination activities and events.
Our experience in European projects under LLP, Erasmus+ mobility for VET/YOUTH, strategic partnerships, Capacity Building, and Tempus demonstrates our focus on entrepreneurial related training and on the valorization of territory as a resource for economic development.
Cosvitec has decades of experience in the implementation of national and international training projects. In this sense, the company has professionaly operated as an implementing party or as a partnerin the context of the initiatives C1 and C5 of the MIUR which are aimed at students of Secondary School education and for which it has made numerous good outcomes. Moreover, Cosvitec has already successfully implemented numerous projects for Italian schools in various countries of the European Union, including Romania, England, Germany, France and Ireland andwith numerous experiences carried out in the Principality of Asturias, Spain.
Our staff closely follows all project activities, from the project design to its reporting. Contact us and we will be happy to help you and fulfill your request.
Our Team

Sergio Bolletti Censi
General Manager
Founder and director of Cosvitec. Thanks to his long-time experience, he is an expert in many other sectors, such as project planning and coordination, management of partnerships and company public relations. He supervises the management of programmes and activities financed by European, national and regional funds.

Aniello Gervasio
International / European projects
Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology and Qualified biologist. Expert in development of programmes and projects at national and International level in the field of Education, training, inclusion and sustainable development. He works on the design and implementation of Erasmus+, EuropeAid, H2020 and other EU programmes.

Barbara Cuomo
Research Division and Intermediary Job Agency
Master Degree in Environmental Sciences with Specialization in Sustainable development management. She manages research activities in different sectors, at international, national and regional levels. Thanks to her experience, she is a valuable asset also for the training and consultancy divisions.

Orsetta Ricolo
Training Team and Intermediary Job Agency
Master Degree in Sociology. She manages the training activities, offering qualified educational planning and ongoing assistance before, during and after the training process. She is in charge of our Intermediary Job Agency, promoting human resources development and skills assessment of our users.

Mario Lombardi
Adv Team and Social Media Strategist
Master Degree in Economy of the International Commerce with specialization in Quality Management System. Graphic designer. He is a manager of the marketing and advertising divisions, managing and planning project’s advertising campaigns and social media strategies for Regional, National and International projects.

Giulio Murolo
Expert in supervision and management of business planning. He manages database storage, administrative, accountancy and financial aspects of National and international Projects.